Torrent download.

You all use the internet for doing multiple things, so you all have heard about torrent mostly while downloading movies.
So in this article, we will know about torrent.

what is torrent.

What are torrents?

The torrents are the files that hold information related to other files and folders that are distributed. When you download a torrent movie(files), this torrent movie (files) contains the necessary information which let you get that movie (files).

When the downloading starts of the files associated with the torrent, sometimes you also see a file that is not familiar with those other data that are values that are used to verify a file.

Now as we have known about torrent so it is time to know if it's working.

How torrent works?

The torrent file has a lesser size which is of few kilobytes of data. However, these tiny files can commence the downloading of even bigger files and this is done through one system or another.

In short, when you’re downloading a torrent file, it pretty much means that you are transferring a file over a P2P or torrent network.
A P2P network is created when two or more computers are connected to share resources without going through a separate server computer.

The files are then transferred in bits but they are completely downloaded on your system after going through a verification process. The end result is the combined file present on your computer.

working of torrent.

The torrent contains three terms.

  • Seed.
  • Peer.
  • Leech.


A seed is a person that has the complete file with them and not bits and pieces lying around, these are also known as uploaders.


Peers are people who do not have the complete file but bits and pieces of them instead, they are like the seed.


Leech is a person who downloads the actual files but does now allow other users to download those files from them, whether those files are in bits or in their complete form. 

seeders,leachers,peer in torrent.

That is all about torrent, I hope now you have understood about torrents.

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